Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Shimada's

The Shimada's are a family of samurai. They are one of the last few samurai left in a transitional Westernizing period in Japan. They have become hired swords for wealthy Japanese business men. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Duberlord and Terrorlord Having A Standoff

The Duberlord universe is about kids who act and imagine as if they are in a feudal system and are superheroes (more or less). So there are kingdoms, clans, kings, lords, emperors, queens, peasants, jesters, supermen/women (boys/girls), strange 'super powers', wars, and such. Duberlord's archenemy is Terrorlord. They both have armies and both fight over the candy mines and playgrounds.


Characters of the Duberlord Universe

The names in order from Left to right and top to bottom.

Karl Foote, Sally Ropin, Daniel Simmons, Felix Pepin, Don Lowe, Tommy Lang, and Jenny Perkins

Sourcekids line work

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Update on Senior Film "Oh Sludge"

The film is now changed to "Oh Sludge" and the story takes place in the middle of the ocean on an island. The bad guy is now a sludge monster, not a tornado. Also, the whale is now named Whaleburt.

 Size concept

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Main Character for Senior Film

I took a break from school work to make random clay sculptures and made a whale and a mole character. I thought they looked pretty cool and decided to draw them in other poses. I decided to make the whale the main character for my next short animation. The animation's working title is "TornadOoooh Noooo!" - something like that. The story is that the whale has just finished building a new house and a tornado is his housewarming gift from mother nature. Yes the whale lives on land, but he has a swimming pool to keep him wet and things. In the short he will attempt to stop the tornado from wrecking his house. Sculpt pic and animation test of whale coming soon. His name is Whale Guy at the moment. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Stuck in LaaLoo Land

Stuck in LaaLoo Land is a new story idea I came up with in the past couple of weeks. It's based around this redheaded girl that lives and views everything through her imagination to keep herself sane. Her imagination is constantly changing and thus making everything else around her change with it. I made some character designs for her but no name yet. These are the digital images..I enjoy the top one.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

NERK Animation logo

A little logo animation I created for a fake studio that I made up for a business class. He's got a square head and no's great!

Lil' Lonzo short

This is the stop motion short that I made with Lil' Lonzo. STORY: Lil' Lonzo is on a break and decides to head for the nearest vending machine to purchase a beatiful Sugar Pop soda...and things happen.

Lil' Lonzo Moments

This is Lil' Lonzo, my stop motion puppet that is partially made out of pantyhose and other things. HE'S GREAT! Sadly he is retired from doing more films for he might break in the process.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

KAWAII..(fake) GAMEPLAY concept

For some reason, uploading on here makes the quality very, very poor. (Better to look with a smaller screen)